Hong Kong School Drama Festival 2020/21

As the outbreak of Covid-19 is still raging on and has posed extraordinary challenges to almost every part of the world, Hong Kong School Drama Festival 2021 decides to adopt the Readers’ Theatre to encourage school students to revel in the unfathomable, limitless pleasure of participating in drama training and performance through online platforms. 

Our school’s Drama Team has, once again, maintained its enduring legacy and even scaled new heights by presenting a once-in-a-lifetime virtual production entitled, ‘Hong Kong Students’, which gives genuine voices to St. Markans to express what they believe to be the everyday challenges that different stakeholders face in our city, be they parental concerns regarding subject selection, teachers’ obstacles in promotion whole-person education or students’ difficulties in pursuing academic excellence amidst an unprecedented, ongoing global pandemic. 

Our team has garnered a number of prestigious awards, including:
Award for Outstanding Audio-visual Effects
Award for Outstanding Cooperation
Award for Commendable Overall Performance
Award for Outstanding Performer: (2D) YANG Man Kin, (3B) LAM Wing See, (3E) OR On Ki, (4B) MAK Hoi Chun, (4D) WONG Cheuk Him, (5D) LAM Yuk Ling

Congratulations to our English Drama Team! Chase your dream and fly high with the Drama Team!