SCMP Student of the Year 2022/23 - Best Improvement Award and Best Devotion to School Award

Another year of volatility and uncertainty; another year of resilience and success. Navigating the vagaries of life is hardly an easy task, especially when the pandemic has cast many into uncharted waters since 2020. Nonetheless, two of our intrepid St. Markans have surprised us with their dogged determination to achieve success in different dimensions of their lives, and emerged victorious in the SCMP Student of the Year 2022/23.

Winner of the Best Improvement Award – Hana CHONG (6C)

Sincere, quick-witted, and shrewd, Hana has weathered the ebbs and flows of life with absolute sanguinity and valiance. In face of her declining health induced by various chronic diseases, she is committed to surmounting the insurmountable and sets herself ambitious goals to salvage the marginalised communities in the territory.

Winner of the Best Devotion to School Award – Kobe TSANG (6C)

Equipped with an abiding passion to serve and stellar leadership skills, Kobe has actively participated in a variety of extra-curricular activities and assumed pivotal roles in clubs and societies, including the President of the Student Union, the chairperson of the Photography Club, the leader of the school backstage team and the stage manager of the English Drama team. His unrelenting devotion to creating a dynamic and engaging learning climate for his schoolmates makes him an inspirational servant leader of sincerity and humility.